
May’s Book Choice

How does it work?

Each month I select a book. I’ll share why I chose and a link to purchase so you can get the book and read along! You may also wait until you hear our month end review. We’ll review the book, honestly, those reading along participate and share thoughts and those who just want some intel before reading on their own can learn more.

This month’s choice—Joy at Work by Marie Kondo

Why I chose this book

This month I am returning to work after 16 weeks of maternity leave. Though returning still means working from home right now due to the current pandemic, it is still a switch back to corporate workplace. I’ve made a commitment to myself to return with a reset joyful attitude and I want to maintain it. I am so very thankful to have a job to return in today’s environment. Keeping up joy at work is hard, I’m sure you have felt the soul sucking politics, negative comments, overwhelm of emails and meetings, or just the monotony get in your head. Many of your jobs may look different now, you may be starting a new one, or currently looking for work. Let’s read this one together and find it’s application for you and me!

Just a girl who loves giraffes