September’s Wine Pick
Nothing says September quite like apples! Kids are back to school, however that looks for you, and fall is just around the corner. We could all use some comfort that everything is going to be A ok. Wine helps. September’s wine pick is Stella Rosa, Red apple. I was delighted with the crispness of the white wine and the Apple flavor that followed. I’d much rather drink my apples than deal with coring, peeling, or baking them. Plus, Stella wine has never let me down! I give it 5 stars! Want to see more of our monthly wine picks? Click here! Tried it, give it a rating or describe the…
August’s Wine Pick
Rosa di Rosa red wine
Red, White, and Blue Oreos!
Can we take a minute to stop and talk about these triple stuffed red, white, and blue oreos! Now this is delightful! I don’t know how long these are going to be around, but you should stock up now! God Bless America and whoever came up with these! Tell your friends and comment with how many packages you have bought or eaten!